Medical Acupuncture in Beckenham
About Medical Acupuncture in Beckenham ​
Medical Acupuncture/ dry needling is a treatment that involves a very thin needle being pushed through the skin to stimulate a trigger point. It helps to releases the tight muscle bands associated with trigger points and lead to decreased pain and improved function. The idea is to release tension from the muscles that is difficult to reach with physical hands.
Eases trigger points
Reduces stiffness and pain
Improves range of motion
Increases blood flow and oxygen to the muscle
What to expect?
On your first visit, a full detailed medical case history is taken of symptoms, previous history, diet and lifestyle.
The affected area is examined along with other related structures of the body, and an examination of your posture. This all involves going through simple movements and palpating muscle tension to allow a diagnosis to be made. The diagnosis and a treatment plan will then be discussed with you.
Often medical acupuncture is used along side osteopathy. The area to be treated is sterilised, followed by a slight twinge when inserting the needle. In just about a few seconds the muscle starts to release and there is relief. The needle is kept in for 1-5 minutes depending on the area and the concern.
Who needs it?
Medical acupuncture can help people of all ages and in different stages in life, from teenagers to the elderly.
Dry needling works to aid musculoskeletal conditions and helps with injury prevention and recovery.
Common conditions are:
Generalised aches and pain
Acute and chronic back pain
Shoulder conditions
Hip conditions
Knee conditions
Ankle sprains
Muscular problems
Pre and postnatal care
Sports injuries
Arthritic pain
Repetitive strain injuries
We can help!
If you would like to release that tension in your muscles and help you to relax, or to improve your range of motion then come and receive our medical acupuncture in Beckenham.
Wether it's your first time, or you have received medical acupuncture before, our friendly staff will be on hand to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your visit with us is as pleasant as possible!