Women's Health
Beckenham & Weybridge
About Women's Health
Your osteopath in Weybridge & in Beckenham specialises in Women’s Health and will assess you functionally and posturally. We believe treating the body as one system is an effective way for patient outcomes and we focus on finding your route cause.
Ankita’s interest in woman’s health started during her university pregnancy clinic and helping new mum’s to be feel better and continue with the stresses of everyday life.
For her it became her passion and since then she has done multiple courses for pregnancy and post natal care.
Pregnancy is a beautiful process, however many women suffer with aches and pain along the way, or after giving birth. We are here to support you through the process. We are here to help you in our Beckenham clinic and Weybridge clinic.
Osteopathy can also help relieve you from post natal aches and pain. We are here to support through the new journey of motherhood and advise you on postures for feeding, lifting and help you heal well, move well and live well.
Our osteopathy treatment in Beckenham and Weybridge are all hands on treatment. We use various osteopathy techniques, stretching, a combination of Pilates exercises, and pelvic floor work to help you alleviate your pain.
Some common symptoms for Women’s Health
Back pain
Pelvic girdle pain
Pelvic floor muscle weakness
Pelvic pain
Neck pain
Sciatic pain
We can help!
If you are suffering with any of the above conditions, or you have recently had a back injury that you would like looked at, then why not come to our clinic where we can provide you with osteopathy in Beckenham and osteopathy in Weybridge.
Our experienced staff always strive for perfection and will use their knowledge to find the cure for your pain, and also put in place a plan to prevent it in the future!
You can email us or book online directly with us.